
Power Requirements

We require the same thing for power indoors and outdoors, unless you do not desire lighting. Lighting pulls the most continuous power. (40 amps, approximately)
Basically, our power needs are this:

Outdoor Concerts

If you elect to have a concert outdoors, that's great! Outdoors is common ground, unsaved people generally feel less intimidated at outdoor events. We will need the same power for outdoor concerts as for indoor concerts. Generators are acceptable, as long as they have sufficient 120-volt connections and wattage. We have a power panel setup which allows us to tap into 220-volt commercial generator power and provide ten 20 amp breaker-protected circuits when a commercial generator is provided. If you elect to rent a commercial generator, plan to get one which is rated at least 12,000 watts (100 amps @ 120 volts). Please feel free to ask us if you have any questions.


We need five separate 20-amp circuits to run everything including lights. When I say, 'separate', that means nothing else plugged in on the circuit anywhere else! Refrigerators, fans, air conditioners on the same circuit will not only pull power down, they can introduce a loud 'huuummmmmmm' on the system.