Letters Of Faith

Jo Susan's Testimony Photo

(Note: These pages were written before Jo passed away - Kelley)

This is my sister, Jo Susan Stanley, and her husband Gary. They have both been through a lot of trials in life in their search for happiness, and that thing we all search for - the only thing that will fill the void.

A few years back, Jo Susan found God in a very real and big way. She began living for Him, trusting Him, and her life was turned around. Gary came into her life; cautiously, they explored a relationship with each other - they had both been 'burnt' before. When it seemed that this was God's will for them to spend the rest of their years together, they married. They were happy. Everything was looking up!

And then... cancer. Colon cancer, to be exact. Chemotherapy. Illness.

Read some of the letters she has written to our family and the world, really, to show how God provides, comforts and stays even in the midst of great trials.

Gary lost his job in Lubbock. They moved to Ponca City, Oklahoma.
Jo hears some unbelievable news...

Trials and tribulations with cancer; giving God His glory...

The Christmas season; a Christmas gift to you all!